About Us

Hey there! My name is Maria Sanchez and I'm thrilled to welcome you to my about me page. I'm a proud mother, loving wife, and a full-time nurse. As if that wasn't enough to keep me busy, I'm also starting my own business! I know, I know, it sounds like a lot, and to be real it is, but there's an excitement and challenge that I thrive off when starting something new.

Speaking of challenges, one of the biggest things I've learned about myself is that I love trying new things. A few years ago, I decided to dive headfirst into a 30-day challenge where I would try 30 new things in 30 days. You can check out my videos on Instagram (you can follow me by clicking @itsrandompositivity )It was such a blast that I expanded it to 60 new things in 60 days! It was a wild ride, but it taught me so much about myself and what I'm capable of.

One of the things I discovered during my challenge was lasering. I absolutely fell in love with it! It's the perfect blend of the technical world and the creative world. I've always been a bit of a DIY-er and this was the perfect way for me to channel that energy. There's nothing quite like taking a design and turning it into a physical, tangible object.

Now, I'm thrilled to be able to share that passion with you through my business. I genuinely enjoy making these creations and designing the products to ensure a unique and special item for you or anyone you feel is just as cool as you. Thanks for stopping by my page and I hope to work with you soon!

Have any questions? Feel free to contact us at anytime:


Any questions send us an email at info@randompositivity.com


Browse around and enjoy!