Day 1 Poaching an Egg

cooking, everyday learning, first time, learn, new things to try, poach an egg, something new, try it -

Day 1 Poaching an Egg

Here we are. Day 1 of our 30 in 30 Challenge. I decided to try poaching an egg. I don’t know if you can technically say I poached an egg. I attempted to… but did I? I’m taking it. Yeah, I poached an egg. I was setting up for the challenge, camera up, lights, mic, and phone. All that had to be done was tap “Live” on Instagram. Oh man, I felt nervous and excited! A lot of thoughts were going on. Will people think I’m worth seeing? Will anyone like it? Will anyone make any mean comments? Will I affect change? I started to talk a bit and words were coming out. Yes! I’m talking! Woot woot! Hahahaha. Yeah (nervous laugh inserted here). I’m just glad to have sounds come out of my mouth. Did they make any sense? Only you can decide that. As I was talking about my “something new” for the day, there was more “dead space” than I had anticipated. I kind of forgot I needed to still talk. I started to feel better as Mike (my husband/cameraman) was talking to me and we began a back-and-forth. It’s funny thinking back at it. I haven’t created the poach egg exactly the way I wanted. But that’s where practice comes in. I can say now and forever that I have tried to poach an egg. One thing crossed off the list. Yay! 

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