Day 22 Cooking a Live Lobster!

boil, cooking, do something new, everyday learning, experience, experiences, first time, first time experience, fun, have fun, learn, learn everyday, live lobster, lobster, mindset, new, new things to try, positive, positive mindset, positive thinking, something new, start somewhere, try it -

Day 22 Cooking a Live Lobster!

Holy crap! Day 22 of the 30 new things in 30 days challenge. This was intense. I felt so nervous doing this one! Today was the day, it was lobster day. Not just any lobster, it was live lobster. LIVE PEOPLE! Oh man, when I was at the grocery store looking at the lobsters moving around in the tank I was honestly starting to second guess myself. Then when I asked for 2 of them I just saw a moving frenzy as the guy went in with some tongs to pick them up. I started to freak out on the inside but stay calm on the out. I told myself, "I committed to doing this, so I'm doing this!" There it was I grabbed the bag from the man behind the counter and went to the cashier. No turning back now, this is gonna happen, it's happening. I got home started boiling water, grabbed the saucepan, tongs, butter, strainer, and cheesecloth to be prepped for anything I was going to use during the live today. I decided on trying to make clarified butter too. So this was a two for one day. I'm doing two new things today (pat on the back). When it came time to place the lobsters into the boiling water, I inner freaking out was becoming my outer freaking out. I was getting scared to pick up the lobsters, but I did it and placed them in the pot. I did it! I completed my first task of the day. Clarifying the butter was a good way to take my mind off the lobsters. I felt that was very simple to do. When it came to cracking the lobsters and getting the meat out, I feel I did well for a first timer. Oh wow, now that I think about it. I think that was the first time I had a whole lobster. I've had tails before but I don't think I've ever had whole lobster. Wow another first! Today was a big day! The lobster turned out to be tasty, I'm so grateful for that. Especially after yesterday's tempura I needed something yummy to come out of the kitchen. Today I tackled 3 new things, which means I had 3 new experiences. Good job! Hahaha, sometimes you have got to tell yourself you did good.

Get out there and do something new today!

Day 22 in the bag!

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