Day 24 First Time Attending a Toastmasters Club Meeting
It's Day 24 and I finally sat in on a Toastmasters Club Meeting. If you're unfamiliar with toastmasters it's an international nonprofit organization whose mission is to "empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders." After searching online different new things to do I came across Toastmaster. I have actually wanted to do this before, but as usual stuff happens and we forget what we've wanted to do. When I saw this reminder I was very excited. Not only will this help but I feel since covid happened and club meetings are online, it isn't as intimidating as I felt it would be. Sometimes it's scary to meet new people in person. This online way is a really nice transition into meeting people in real life.
I honestly didn't know what to expect from the meeting. After some club websites, I thought the meeting would be very formal. But to my surprise, it felt like a nice easy going group. I felt welcomed and a part of the meeting even though it was my first time. I jumped in during table topics which gives you about 2 min to talk about the subject. I spoke for 42ish seconds (can't remember the exact number). I can see how intimidating it might be but once you're in the water it's nice. I will be joining them again next week. I was able to listen in on the speech that was prepared. It was well done. I know that Toastmasters will help throughout life. Anything that moves you forward is worth doing. I never would have done this unless I resigned, watch a show about cooking, and the poached egg that sparked the idea of the 30 in 30 Challenge. My husband is so incredibly supportive and I know I am truly blessed for that. It does help make life easier when you have someone that supports your dreams and thoughts. We may not always find that in the person we live with. Sometimes it's a friend, Facebook buddy, an Instagram follower, really you can find someone to cheer you on somewhere. Just keep doing new things and you never know what you will discover about yourself. I hope this inspires you to do something new!
Day 24 complete 6 more days to go!