Day 40 Trying 3 Tutorials for the Messy Hair Bun
Day 40
The oh so cute can I pull this look off Messy Hair Bun. I've seen it, I want it, now it's time to learn how to do it. I came across these 3 tutorials on how to do the messy hair bun and of course I found them on TikTok. Don't judge! I decided to finally try my hand at it. As I was attempting this for my first time I was getting discouraged. My head came out looking as if a bird nested on it, then the eggs hatched, grew up, went through a garage band phase in their teens, broke guitars in my hair, and finally flew away. It was not working out for me. Then I realized after that I didn't have a phone bungee hair tie that was used in the tutorial. Also I think my hair was too long for the tutorials I was watching. Which now makes me think I'll have to go buy the right "equipment" and find tutorials catered to long hair messy buns. Then I can have my answer, to messy bun or not to messy bun? That is the question.
Click on the video below to watch my messed up attempts on the messy hair bun.